start: CLS PRINT " This program by W0IVJ calculates the load seen by the output of a" PRINT " high-pass T-network tuner if you know the values of the series" PRINT " input capacitance, the shunt inductor, and the series output" PRINT " capacitor." PRINT PRINT " Frequency in Mhz "; INPUT F$ F = VAL(F$) IF F = 0 THEN GOTO another PRINT " Input Resistance in ohms "; INPUT Ri$ Ri = VAL(Ri$) IF Ri = 0 THEN PRINT PRINT " Losses are too high." GOTO another END IF PRINT " Series Input capacitance in pf "; INPUT Ci$ Ci = VAL(Ci$) PRINT " Shunt Inductance in uh "; INPUT L$ L = VAL(L$) PRINT " Unloaded Coil Q (250 is not unreasonable for a good coil) "; INPUT Ql$ Ql = VAL(Ql$) PRINT " Series Output Capacitance in pf "; INPUT Co$ Co = VAL(Co$) PRINT Ci = Ci * 1E-12 Co = Co * 1E-12 L = L * .000001 F = F * 1000000! pi = 3.14159 Xci = 1 / (2 * pi * F * Ci) Xco = 1 / (2 * pi * F * Co) Xl = 2 * pi * F * L A = Xci * Xl B = Xl - Xci M = A + B * Xco N = 50 * (Xl - Xco) Q = SQR(M ^ 2 + N ^ 2) P = SQR(Ri ^ 2 + B ^ 2) Theta1 = ATN(N / M) Theta2 = ATN(B / Ri) D = Q / P Theta3 = Theta1 - Theta2 R = D * COS(Theta3) X = D * SIN(Theta3) IF R < 0 THEN R = -R X = -X END IF X = -X IF X < 0 THEN sign$ = " - " ELSE sign$ = " + " END IF X = ABS(X) Vi = SQR(Ri * 1000) Ii = Vi / Ri Vci = Xci * Ii Vl = SQR(Vi ^ 2 + Vci ^ 2) Rl = Xl / Ql Zl = SQR(Xl ^ 2 + Rl ^ 2) Il = Vl / Zl Pl = Il ^ 2 * Rl IF Pl >= 1000 THEN PRINT PRINT " Losses are too high." GOTO another END IF PercentLoss = (Pl / 1000) * 100 Loss = (1000 - Pl) / 1000 DbLoss = -10 * (LOG(Loss) / LOG(10)) Qc = Xci / Ri PRINT " The tuner is matching an impedance of: "; PRINT USING "####.#"; R; PRINT sign$; PRINT "J "; PRINT USING "####.#"; X PRINT PRINT " Circuit Q = "; PRINT USING "##.#"; Qc PRINT " Tuner Loss = "; PRINT USING "##.#"; PercentLoss; PRINT " % ;"; PRINT USING "##.##"; DbLoss; PRINT " db" another: PRINT PRINT " Another Calculation "; INPUT Ans$ IF (Ans$ = "N") OR (Ans$ = "n") THEN GOTO done: ELSE GOTO start: END IF done: END