A Most Excellent Adventure
Kiruna, Sweden
January-March 2000
(click on pictures to enlarge)
A field campaign such as SOLVE generally demands that one work 12 plus hours per day, seven days per week for several weeks. Frequently there are periods of time in the hangar where a few minutes become free, but it is not enough time to go back to the hotel in town. In order to relax during these times, Frisbee throwing and football tossing is done in the hangar. On this particular mission, a basketball goal was set up on a spare stair ramp. Picture A shows a quick pickup game of basketball.
However, the most popular diversion was foosball. Pictures B through G show an informal game with Tom and Stephen matched against Mike and Marco. After a few of these games, a double elimination tournament was set up with 32 teams involving 64 players. The players were matched randomly by drawing names from a hat. Picture H, I and J show Mike and Megan warm up before a game. Pictures K and L show Megan and Paul against Mike and Jeff in what turned out to be a crucial game in which favored Mike and Jeff lose to Megan and Paul. Pictures M and N show Jan doing a quick turn on his way to fly the ER-2. Megan and Paul were the winners of the winning tree and Mike and Jeff were the winners of the losing tree. Pictures O through R show the two game playoff where Mike and Jeff wind up the tournament winners. The final two games were seen by a few on the web cam on this site. In addition some of the local school kids enjoyed a game after their airplane tour as shown in pictures S through V